Season of Encouragementfeatured

This week two people (who I don’t know very well)  shared with me how they have struggled spiritually during this pandemic that  continues to drag on and on.  Subsequently, the Holy Spirit nudged me to follow up my last devotional, Seasons, with something about encouragement.

As Christians, we are all called to be encouragers and right now the need for encouragement is huge.  The good news is there are almost endless ways to encourage others: a smile, a prayer, a text or email, a card, a listening ear.  I would suggest a hug, but now might not be the right time! Many churches and non-profits are hurting badly in this season.  You might be able to encourage one or more of them with a donation or taking a volunteer assignment.

When I was working with my editor a few months ago, she suggested that I write some closing thoughts for the book.  Initially I didn’t have a clue as to what to write but, as usual, God provided the topic, and I wrote about encouragement.  Could it be that God orchestrated the timing of this book because he knew that we would be in a season of much-needed encouragement?

So today, I am going to issue a challenge to all of us (myself included!).  Start each and every day by asking God to show you who you can encourage that day and to give you the courage and strength to follow through.  My experience leads me to believe that he will provide!

Below are the Closing Thoughts from Becoming His Masterpiece and the painting above is titled “Words of Encouragement.”

Closing Thoughts

When God called me to paint and write devotionals, I was sure about the calling, but I was unsure of why. Why did he want me to devote my time to this? What purpose did he have for these devotionals and paintings? I really had no clue for quite some time, but I knew he had a purpose even if I didn’t know what it was.

One lesson I have learned along the way is that we are to obey him even if we don’t understand the whys. So for about a year and a half I just kept painting and writing.

It wasn’t until the fall of 2019 that I began to sense God’s purpose in this calling. I was studying 1 & 2 Thessalonians and the apostle Paul’s frequent use of the word encourage began to bounce around in my head.

  • “Therefore encourage one another with these words” (I Thessalonians 4:18).
  • “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
  • “And we urge you, brothers and sisters, . . . encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone” (1 Thessalonians 5:14).

It was then that I realized God’s purpose was for me to encourage others in their Christian walk. Although unqualified and ill-equipped (look back at the Introduction for a refresher!), I am called to encourage. It is my prayer that God will use this book to give you his Words of Encouragement, which happens to be the title of this painting! May God’s encouraging words soak into your soul and bless you on your journey to becoming his masterpiece. 

About the author

Sharon Collins

Thanks for visiting Becoming His Masterpiece! I write Christian devotionals to accompany my abstract paintings. In reality, I am just the hand that holds the brush and taps the keyboard. The Creator of all things is the true author and painter. I hope this site will bless you while on your life long journey to Becoming His Masterpiece. That journey begins when we say YES to Jesus Christ.

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